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Title IX Compliance Office


“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of 性, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育计划或活动中受到歧视.” 《立博客户端app下载》第九章,《立博客户端app下载》第20页.S.C § 1681 & 34 C.F.R. 部分106


The regulations implementing Title IX are enforced by the U.S. 教育部民权办公室禁止歧视, 排除, 否认, 限制, or separation based on gender. 旨在民权教育的所有领域结束性别歧视.

美国.S. 教育部民权办公室提供指导方针,以确保学校根据第九条的要求采取有效措施应对性暴力.

It is the policy of 重点大学, in accordance with federal and state law, to prohibit unlawful discrimination.


How do I file a report/complaint?

Three ways to file a complaint:

  1. Submit an anonymous report online or scan the QR code:Reporting QR Code
  2. Download and print a form
  3. 拿起一张表格:
  • 第九章合规办公室:Hibbard校园中心二楼电话:570-945-8278
  • 校园安全:Hollinshead Hall,一楼,570-945-8997(紧急情况:570-945-8989)
  • 宿舍生活区值班协调员:希伯德校园中心, 2号楼, 570-945-8271, 570-687-8416
  • Student Counseling & Well-Being Center: Tewksbury Hall, 1st floor, 570-945-8309

Where can a victim get support or assistance?

Keystone学院为性别歧视受害者提供支持和帮助, 骚扰, 或暴力. For confidential assistance contact:

  • Counseling Services: 学生咨询和幸福中心,图克斯伯里大厅,一楼570-945-8309. 隐私法禁止这些人在未经你同意的情况下泄露你的谈话内容.

Am I protected against retaliation?


所有有关骚扰或歧视的投诉都将得到及时调查, 足够的, 和公正的. You can also remain anonymous.

学生, 员工, 或者认为自己受到歧视或骚扰的第三方, including 性ual violence/assault, 由Keystone学院社区的学生或雇员,或由学院负责或可能负责的其他个人提供(e).g., applicants for admission or employment, 校友, in-dependent contractors, 供应商, 招聘人员)应联系以下人员之一寻求解决投诉的帮助.

Student Complaints:

教师 工作人员 Complaints


Title IX Compliance Office

学生, 员工, or visitors who have questions about policies, grievance procedures, 和个人权利,或者想举报一起涉嫌性别不当行为的事件, can contact the following for support:

维姬一个. Stanavitch, Ph值.D.
Title IX Coordinator

Filing A Complaint with the Office of Civil Rights

教育部民权办公室(光学字符识别)执行1972年教育修正案第九条, 禁止在接受教育部联邦财政资助的项目或活动中存在性别歧视. 认为自己受到种族歧视的人, color, 国家的起源, 性, 残疾, 或年龄的人可以通过以下信息向民权办公室提出投诉:

Mail or Facsimile:
Office for Civil Rights,
Philadelphia Office
U.S. Department of Education
The Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East, Suite 515
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323
Telephone: (215) 656-8541
Facsimile: (215) 656-8605
电子邮件: 光学字符识别.Philadelphia@ed.政府

Frequently Asked Questions About Sexual Harassment

What behaviors are prohibited by Title IX?

性骚扰(包括性暴力和性侵犯)是一种形式的性别歧视和, 因此, is a violation of Title IX. 第九条禁止的具体行为包括强奸, 性侵犯, 性电池, 性ual exploitation, and other forms of nonconsensual 性ual activity; 跟踪; and relationship violence. Many behaviors that violate Title IX also constitute crimes.

What is 重点大学’s 骚扰 policy?

Harassment in any form, whether based on race, 性, color, national or ethnic origin, 年龄, 宗教, 婚姻状况, 残疾, 性ual orientation, 性别认同, genetic information, or any other legally protected classification, is unacceptable on the 重点大学 campus.

就这项政策而言,骚扰指的是不受欢迎的口头骚扰, 写, 或基于受保护分类(种族)的身体行为, color, 性, 残疾, 等.)目的或效果不合理地干扰个人的工作或教育(包括生活条件), extracurricular activities, 和社交生活), creating an intimidating, 充满敌意的, or 进攻 environment, or constituting a threat to an individual’s personal safety. Sexual 骚扰 includes 性ual violence/assault.

What is the definition of 性ual 骚扰?

Sexual 骚扰 is defined as any unwelcome 性ual advance, request for 性ual favors, 或其他带有性性质的言语或身体行为,其目的或效果是通过制造一种恐吓来干扰一个人的学业或工作表现或社交世界, 充满敌意的, 进攻, or violent environment. Sexual violence/assault is also considered 性ual 骚扰.


  • Pressure for 性ual activity
  • Sexually explicit questions
  • Unwelcome touching, hugging, stroking, squeezing
  • 性嘲笑
  • Attempted or actual 性ual violence
  • Pervasive displays of pictures, 日历, 漫画, or other materials with 性ually explicit or graphic content
  • Sexual innuendos and comments
  • Requests for 性ual favors
  • Spreading rumors about a person’s 性uality
  • 展示或发送性暗示的电子内容,包括但不限于电子邮件, 短信, 等.
  • Stalking a person
  • 这些例子并不包括所有可能构成性骚扰的情况.

Do students have rights under Title IX?

学生’ Bill of Rights
All students have the right to:

  • Make a report to local law enforcement and/or state police;
  • Have disclosures of domestic violence, 约会暴力, 跟踪, and 性侵犯 taken seriously;
  • 决定是否披露犯罪或违规行为,并在没有机构压力的情况下参与司法或行为程序和/或刑事司法程序;
  • Participate in a process that is fair, 公正的, 并提供足够的通知和有意义的机会被倾听;
  • 受到有尊严的对待,并从该机构获得合理的保健和咨询服务, 可用;
  • 不得暗示举报个人在犯下这些罪行和违法行为时有过错,或本应以不同的方式行事以避免此类罪行或违法行为;
  • 向尽可能少的机构代表描述事件,并且不需要不必要地重复描述事件;
  • Be protected against retaliation by the College, any student or employee, the 指责 and/or the respondent, and/or their friends, 在书院管辖范围内的家人及熟人;
  • Access to at least one level of appeal of a determination;
  • 由一名可选择的顾问陪同,该顾问可为报告人员提供协助和建议, 指责, or respondent throughout the judicial or conduct process, including during all meetings and hearings related to such process; and
  • 行使公民权利和合法从事宗教活动,不受调查人员干涉, 刑事司法, or judicial or conduct process of the College.